Ricardo Monasterio Blog


Exploring “The Substance”: A Journey Through Beauty and Gore

“The Substance,” directed by Coralie Fargeat, has made waves since its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, garnering a mix of praise and criticism. This audacious film offers a striking exploration of aging, beauty, and the often grotesque demands of the entertainment industry. As someone who appreciates the artistry of cinema, I found myself entranced by the film’s stunning visuals, yet equally taken aback by its graphic violence.…Continue readingExploring “The Substance”: A Journey Through Beauty and Gore

English and Spanish Translation Popular Culture

Subtitling and Dubbing Humor: The Fine Line Between Funny and Flat

Subtitling and Dubbing Humor: The Fine Line Between Funny and Flat
Translating humor in films and TV shows is no laughing matter—it’s a delicate art that involves balancing timing, cultural references, and language quirks. In this post, we explore the challenges translators face when making jokes land in subtitles and dubbing, and how they navigate the tricky terrain between preserving the original humor and making it accessible to new audiences.…Continue readingSubtitling and Dubbing Humor: The Fine Line Between Funny and Flat


Alien and Species: The Paraphrase Remake in Sci-Fi Horror

Following the exploration of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill, another compelling case of the Paraphrase Remake genre can be found in Ridley Scott’s Alien (1979) and Roger Donaldson’s Species (1995). Both films delve into the realms of science fiction and horror, using similar themes and stylistic choices to create intense and memorable experiences. By examining these two films, we can further understand how the Paraphrase Remake functions in a different genre, enriching the cinematic dialogue between original and reinterpretation.…Continue readingAlien and Species: The Paraphrase Remake in Sci-Fi Horror

Idiomatic Expressions

The Art of Translation: Translating “Mind Your P’s and Q’s” Across Languages

Language is a fascinating and complex tapestry, where idiomatic expressions often reflect cultural nuances and historical contexts. One such expression is “mind your P’s and Q’s.” Translating this phrase into another language presents a unique challenge, as it requires not only a linguistic conversion but also a cultural transposition. Let’s explore the intricacies of translating this idiom and consider the alternatives that capture its essence.…Continue readingThe Art of Translation: Translating “Mind Your P’s and Q’s” Across Languages

Idiomatic Expressions

Exploring the Origin of the Expression “Mind Your P’s and Q’s

The English language is replete with idiomatic expressions that have intriguing origins and histories. One such expression that has piqued the curiosity of language enthusiasts is “mind your P’s and Q’s.” This seemingly simple phrase carries a depth of meaning that transcends its literal interpretation. While the exact origin of the expression remains shrouded in mystery and debate, several compelling theories shed light on its possible roots.…Continue readingExploring the Origin of the Expression “Mind Your P’s and Q’s


El poder está en el detalle: las lecciones que nos da Miguel Ángel en su “Moises”

En el mundo del arte, pocos nombres resuenan tan profundamente como el de Miguel Ángel. Reconocido por sus obras maestras en la pintura y la escultura, el trabajo de Miguel Ángel continúa inspirando y asombrando siglos después de su creación. Una de estas obras maestras es la escultura de Moisés, creada entre 1513 y 1515, destinada al sepulcro del Papa Julio II. Entre los muchos aspectos notables de esta escultura se encuentra un pequeño músculo apenas perceptible tallado en el antebrazo. Este detalle, en apariencia menor, encierra una profunda lección sobre el poder de la atención al detalle en nuestro trabajo y la búsqueda de la excelencia.…Continue readingEl poder está en el detalle: las lecciones que nos da Miguel Ángel en su “Moises”


The Power of Detail: Lessons from Michelangelo’s Moses

In the world of art and craftsmanship, few names resonate as profoundly as Michelangelo. Renowned for his masterpieces in painting and sculpture, Michelangelo’s work continues to inspire and awe centuries after their creation. One such masterpiece is the sculpture of Moses, created between 1513 and 1515, intended for the tomb of Pope Julius II. Among the many remarkable aspects of this sculpture is a small, almost unnoticeable muscle carved into the forearm. This detail, seemingly minor, holds a profound lesson about the power of attention to detail in our work and the pursuit of excellence.…Continue readingThe Power of Detail: Lessons from Michelangelo’s Moses

English and Spanish Translation

Navigating the Linguistic Labyrinth: The Evolution of Language and Its Impact on Translation

In the vast tapestry of human communication, language is not static; it’s a dynamic entity constantly evolving, shaped by culture, technology, and societal shifts. This evolution of language poses both challenges and opportunities for translators worldwide. In this blog post, we embark on a journey through the ever-changing landscape of language evolution and its profound implications for the field of translation.…Continue readingNavigating the Linguistic Labyrinth: The Evolution of Language and Its Impact on Translation

SEO Optimization Translation

Unlocking Global Reach: The Evolution of Multilingual SEO Strategies

In today’s interconnected world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach beyond borders and connect with audiences around the globe. One essential aspect of reaching international markets is…Continue readingUnlocking Global Reach: The Evolution of Multilingual SEO Strategies




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